5 Interesting Art Therapy Ideas and Activities for Children and Teens

Art is truly powerful and has many benefits. It expands your creativity, fuels the imagination, makes you more observant of little details, reduces stress, and more.

Our psychologists in Calgary has been including art activities in therapy, and it’s been a success.

Art Therapy

Art therapy consists of the combination of art and psychology. It makes people connect with their struggles and emotions through creative activities, to achieve wellness in their lives.

It is perfect for young teens and kids because they tend to get thrilled with art activities, so, what better than having fun while healing internal conflict or exploring feelings? Another reason why it’s such good therapy for them is that young people usually don’t know how to express themselves. They might be going through a difficult situation but can’t find the words to describe it, and here is where art therapy does its magic. A kid can express his or her emotions through activities such as drawing or coloring.

Do you want to know more about art therapy in Calgary? We will list five ideas for your children:

1. The Postcard Activity

The activity consists of handing a postcard to the participants and asking about a moment or a person that made them frustrated. Then, they have to write or draw how they felt during the situation. There are no rules; every person is free of expressing what they want and how they want to. On the other side of the postcard, participants can write the things they would like to say to the person that upset them. Afterward, a psychologist near you will work along the groups to find a solution to the problem and to alleviate their pain.

2. Words to Live by Collage

This art therapy helps teens to connect with their true selves when they find it hard to stick to their values when their friends think differently. You can start by asking participants what some of the things they feel connected to are. Then, ask them to select images or words from a magazine, related to these feelings, to create a collage of their values.

3. The Softness Project

Ask the participants what things they like to touch and hand them a box full of textured materials so they can choose their favorites and create a collage that will bring them comfort during unpleasant situations.

4. Build a Safe Place

Having a safe space is very important, especially when you find you are not in control of your environment.

Ask the participants how their safe place would look, if it would be day or night, the smell of it, and the sounds. Ask them to think of it and how they feel when they are there. Next, give them different materials so they can re-create this place with total creativity.

5. What’s in Your Heart?

It is a simple activity that consists of handing the participants a worksheet full of hearts. Then, they have to think of things that make them happy and fill their hearts with them. Afterward, try to help them to figure out how they can create more moments that bring them joy.

As you can see, all these exercises are simple, and you don’t need to be an artist to create them. All of them are great for the younger people to vent and express their feelings without any judgment while having fun and stimulating their imagination.

If you are looking for art therapy near you, contact us when it’s convenient for you. We will be glad to answer any questions you may have.


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